Saturday, November 21, 2009

Trekking from Kedarnath to Gandhisarover

Trek from kedarnath to Gandhisarover
(Date ... Trek Leader Sagar Gupta)
We had started with

Trekking from Kedarnath to Gandhisarover

Trek from kedarnath to Gandhisarover
(Date ... Trek Leader Sagar Gupta)
We had started with

Trekking from Gangotri to Kedartal

(26 sept.-1 oct. 2009 trek leader Sahil Makkar)
Landing into the IITs was a culmination of two years of faithful and determined effort putting in all the heart and the soul for the sake of it, at last we got what we tried for. Now at IITR for great adventure and fun we joined HEC.The trek for kedartal was first successful trek in the history of IITR, ofcourse it was very tough to trek on the montains inclined at 75 degree with huge trekking bags and without any predecided way, covered with snow.
DAY 1:
As informed by trek leader we,5 members, collected at Ganga Bhawan gate and took treking bags and moved.We reached at bus stand after some photography at 3:00 am. There we took bus for Rishikesh. After a couple of hour we arrived Rishikesh. It was raining there so we had some tea. Now the foremost target was to reach Gangotri. We caught bus for Gangotri. After a pleasant journey of 4.5 hours driver found some problem in the bus so we changed our bus. In the morning it was very cold and sunrise on the mountains full of green trees was quite amazing. And after a journey 3 hours we reached Uttarkashi. There we took some refreshment,glucose and bananas, after that we caught another bus at 2:30 pm for Gangotri. The way for Gangotri was full of mountains covered with rich floura and founa, it was quite beautiful to watch outside the window of the bus. The moutains on the way were very high. We reached Gangotri at 9:00 pm and took rooms at nominal charges. We took permission at night for Kedartal and had a delicious dinner.

DAY 2:
We woke up early in the morning,took guide and began to move for the foremost target Bhojkhadak. The way to Bhojkhadak was quite steep and was hard to move on, but cold environment around 15 degrees celsius was making the task easier. We had seen the sun shining on the mountains covered with different types of plants seeing for the first time in my life,equipped with many beautiful waterfalls. After walking for a while we took some rest and drunk some glucose. After some rest we went forward. On the way the rocks on the mountains filled with stones were making some structures like cages. After a long span of time of 5 hours we reached Bhojkhadak where we took some rest and placed tents and went on the search of woods for making food,after all in the dinner we had some maggie and went on sleep.

DAY 3:
morning 7:00am we woke up,get fresh and had brush.After littile bit walk we took maggie in the breakfast and then we move forward for Kedartal.The way was now easier,but the mountains on the way was covered with red and brown color of flowers.After crossing a waterfall we had seen the herd of deers they were quite busy in eating grass,from here we were clearly seeing the mountains covered with snow looking as the shining silver due to reflection.The way for Kedarkhadak however was risky due to the chance of sliding.After a long journey of 5 hour we reached at Kedarkhadak,placed tents and after that snowfall began for 3.5 hour we had enjoyed it a lot and had some photography,here the temperature was quite low around 2-3degree celsius,then after we made dinner and went on sleep.
DAY 4:
we woke up this day late due to low temperature outside around -15 degree celsius,we had seen that our tents were covered with snow ,the water in Pots outsides got freezed.Our leader was quite resistive he did maximum work this day.After all we began to move for Kedartal at 11:15am ,after by crossing the 4-5 water falls we had seen the herd of deers they were around 100-150 in number so we had some photography here.There after a distance of 1 km we had come on the way was covered with snow and stones so we assembled,holding up one another hands tightly and went forward after a distance of .25km we came across a water pool,it was looking like a glass sheet,we cracked it up and enjoyed a lot.After a duration of 1 hour we reached near a torn Glacier,here we had seen how the water falls began on the mountains we had some photography hear,then after we went forward.After by crossing a field of distance over the stones covered with snow we had reached kedartal,Oh God it was amazing,mountain near the shores of Kedartal was glittering,they made feel us that we are Heaven we step down and reached to the Kedartal.We had touched the cold water and enjoyed a
lot and also had great photography here.After a long enjoyment here we returned happily to the Gangotri and Thereafter to Roorkee.

(Rameshwari Ahirwar, ,chemical 2nd yr)